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Northeast Side Taildraggers R/C Aviation Club

updated 8/17/2024

NeST-RC Club Membership Information:

If you are interested in joining NeST-RC, we would be excited to welcome you aboard. Read on, this is the information you need.

AMA Membership Required click to sign up

You must be a member in good standing with the Academy of Model Aeronautics and abide by the Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code. AMA membership $85 / year ($75 / year ages 65+) and provides the member with 2.5 million dollars of liability insurance. Includes a subscription to Model Aviation Print, the monthly magazine of the AMA. Youth members join for $15 / year(under age 19), Model Aviation Digital included.

FAA Requirements click to create your account

Just to clear up any confusion the FAA calls all of our flying machines DRONES so don't think your fixed wing aircraft is exempt. To fly legally you must register your flying machines with the FAA and attach the registration number to your aircraft. The Northeast Side Taildraggers R/C Aviation Club does not enforce these rules it is up to you to comply with the law.

The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)

What is TRUST?
The law requires that all recreational flyers pass an aeronautical knowledge and safety test and provide proof of passage if asked by law enforcement or FAA personnel. The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) was developed to meet this requirement. TRUST provides education and testing on important safety and regulatory information. If you fly your UAS recreationally under the Exception for Recreational Flyers, you must pass the test before you fly.

Take the Test
NeST-RC Club Dues

NeST-RC has developed a world-class flying site for RC aviation. The materials and equipment for construction and maintenance of such a site are relatively expensive. All of the labor to build and maintain our site is provided by the members on a volunteer basis. The club collects annual dues from its members to pay for the maintenance materials and equipment for the site. New members pay a one-time "field improvement fee" equal to their annual dues. Annual dues are discounted for family members of adult Open Members living in the same household, and for student members. Dues are paid through the end of the calendar year and are prorated based on the new member's join date. The field improvement fee is not prorated. Club dues for are detailed in the table below:

New Member Dues Payment with application

Send dues by check with completed application form to:
Northeast Side Taildraggers
7036 Bexley Drive
Indianapolis IN 46256

Dues may be paid by Zelle at chcantre@gmail.com
Don't forget to E-mail or US-mail the application
You may also take a clear picture of the application
and e-mail it to chcantre@gmail.com

Club Dues Schedule

Join Date Jan 1 - June 30 July 1 - Sept 30 Oct 1 - Dec 31
Open Membership $100 $75 $25
Student Membership (Under 23) $40 $30 $10
Family Membership Spouse and Child < 18 $25 $18.75 $6.25
Dues Renewal

For existing members, renewals are due on January 1st, with a 20% penalty applied if paid after March 31st. There is no form for renewals. Send dues by check to:
Northeast Side Taildraggers
7036 Bexley Drive
Indianapolis IN 46256
Dues may be paid by Zelle at chcantre@gmail.com

Bylaws and Field Rules

NeST-RC was chartered under a Bylaws Document that defines the structure of the club, its officers, dues schedule, grievance and discipline procedures, etc. We have also developed a set of Field Safety and Courtesy Rules that are designed to enhance safety on site. It is the responsibility of all members and prospective members to review and agree to the content of these documents. Any questions or concerns about them should be addressed to the Club Officers.

Safety First

New members must be able to demonstrate positive control of their aircraft before being released to fly solo at NeST-RC field. While accidents and incidents can happen to anyone, NeST-RC is committed to making sure that pilots flying solo on the flight line are competent and safe. We provide free flight instruction with experienced instructors to anyone who requests it, or anyone who requires remedial help. NeST-RC adheres to the AMA Safety Code, and a copy of those rules, as well as the NeST-RC Field Safety and Courtesy Rules are posted on a banner inside the shelter at the field. Per AMA requirements, one of our club officers is a "safety coordinator". Please feel free to contact our club Safety Officer to find out more about the safety protocols at NeST-RC.

Membership Application

Print out our Membership Application, fill it out completely and send it to the address indicated at the bottom of the form. Once processed, our club secretary will email you a PDF file of your membership ID card to print, cut out and fold in half. ID badge holders are available at the field. Your membership will not be active until we have your completed application, your dues payment (including the field improvement fee), and we have verified your AMA status.


People flying RC aircraft at NeST-RC are expected to be good citizens. Gas powered aircraft create noise, and if not carefully flown, may pose a danger to life and property. The AMA has attempted to work closely with the FAA to prevent government regulation from making it difficult or impossible to fly. This means we need to be aware of the regulations that do exist, and follow them. For information on these regulations, check out the Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code.

Why Do We Associate with AMA?

Over the last 80 years, the AMA has grown to be the largest model aviation organization in the world, chartering over 2500 clubs and representing 195,000 members nationwide.
The AMA is our collective voice, protecting our rights and freedoms to fly R/C aircraft without stifling government overreach. The AMA uses email, the network of AMA-sanctioned clubs, and their web site to keep members informed about subjects and issues related to our hobby. They often provide advice and recommendations for members to appropriately and legally address these issues. Let's face it, our hobby has come under some pretty severe scrutiny in the past few years. Drones and irresponsible drone owners have given the government legitimate cause to intervene with laws to keep manned aviation, as well as people and property on the ground safe from inadvertent drone mishaps. The AMA has worked tirelessly to ensure that our freedoms to fly model aircraft as hobbyists remain unburdened by unnecessary bureaucratic red tape.
The AMA organizes and sanctions over 2000 competitive model aviation events each year. National title competitions are often held at the AMA headquarters located in Muncie Indiana, just 40 minutes northeast of our field.
The Flying Site Assistance Program of the AMA provides clubs help with finding, keeping and maintaining flying sites. They offer financial grants to pay for up to 10% of flying site improvements. NeST-RC has been awarded two of these grants in the past.
Finally, while individual AMA membership provides each member with liability insurance coverage, chartering a club under the AMA provides the club with similar coverage. Unfortunately, in today's litigious society, that sort of fiscal protection is absolutely necessary.